Frans Lauter

Franz L. Lauter (Blomberg, 1947) studied at the art academy in Thorn (Germany), since 1975 he has been working as an autonimous artist


his work is not only characterized by the fairytale like colours; if we further analyse his works, you discover some drama, quality and an intellectual edge. Frans is inspired by nature, the flowers, and the seasons. besides painting Lautner has another passion: cooking.  `Ich bin ein Maler aus Leidenschaft und möchte noch eine neue Strichtechnik entdecken. Ich bin ein Koch aus Überzeugung und möchte noch neue Geschmacksnuancen entdecken.` Since 1982 Lauter has had a restaurant in Lünen, called Schloss Schwansbell. In the last few years Lauter has gained fame by cooking for celebrities, being a television cook and having a cookbook.

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De Galerie Den Haag offers you a choice of 1 werk from Frans Lauter. Click on one of the works for more information and availability for hire.

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Works by Frans Lauter


Frans Lauter

€ 225,00
50 x 70 cm

sold Untitled

Frans Lauter

Artwork has been sold
50 x 45 cm

sold kat

Frans Lauter

Artwork has been sold
48 x 34 cm