Ans Pullens works full-time as a visual artist and has completed a Higher degree Ceramics at the Art Academy in Arendonk and a degree Mosaic and Frescoes, specializing in restorer at the Art Academy in Antwerp.
Ceramic paintings
In her ceramic paintings you see a play of light and shadow, created by the way in which the elements are laid. Due to the change of light during the day, the work is constantly changing, which keeps it interesting. Ceramic elements are formed by hand and therefore all different. Due to the different positions in which they are attached, the light and the position from which you look at the work, there seem to be nuanced differences in color.
Porcelain “Wave”
The “Wave” series is inspired by fields that are blown through by the wind. The elements are individually rolled out very thin and molded in porcelain. Due to the high temperature at which they are baked, the elements are almost translucent. Both natural and artificial light give the work an extra intensity. To get an idea of the laboriousness of the work; a 90x70 cm painting has more than a thousand elements, all rolled out and shaped by hand.
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De Galerie Den Haag offers you a choice of 8 werken from Ans Pullens. Click on one of the works for more information and availability for hire.