FEMM is a Dutch designer who presents vibrant, clear and contemporary designs that take your space to the next level. Femke is naturally fascinated by the beauty and power of color. Each of her eye-catching pieces radiates an intense energy.
During her work as a multidisciplinary stylist, she discovered her sense of composition and color. In her work unexpected set designs and aesthetic images emerged. With leftover material from photo shoots, she started her own visual exploration that has since grown into various series with different materials.
After a journey of self-discovery and exploration during a three-month trip across South America in 2023, she dedicated herself to learning about meditation and how our brain works. This newfound sense of balance and positivity has enabled her to create her designs with a newfound clarity. Her pieces reflect her inner self and are infused with positive energy and vibrant color combinations.
Each design is a unique reflection of Femke's love for her environment. Whether it's the vibrant energy of a city, the verticality of its architecture, or the mesmerizing hues of the sunrise and sunset she absorbs on her travels, these experiences always provide creative impulses. With her warm yellow and peach tones, striking light blue and vibrant mint green, she hopes to add a touch of optimism to the world at large - and to your world in particular.
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De Galerie Den Haag offers you a choice of 8 werken from FEMM. Click on one of the works for more information and availability for hire.